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贡献者回答There are several reasons why people may have a fear of flying. Some common reasons include:1. Fear of crashing: This is one of the most common fears associated with flying. People may have a fear of the plane crashing and not surviving the flight.2. Fear of heights: Some people may have a fear of heights, and being in an airplane can trigger this fear.3. Lack of control: Being in an airplane means that you are not in control of the situation. For some people, this lack of control can be anxiety-inducing.4. Claustrophobia: Being in a confined space for an extended period of time can trigger feelings of claustrophobia for some people.5. Previous traumatic experience: If someone has had a traumatic experience related to flying in the past, such as a near-crash or severe turbulence, they may develop a fear of flying as a result.6. Fear of terrorism: In recent years, there has been an increase in fear related to terrorism and hijackings on airplanes.7. Fear of the unknown: For some people, the fear of flying is simply a fear of the unknown. They may not fully understand how airplanes work or what to expect during a flight, which can cause anxiety.It is important to note that a fear of flying is a common phobia and is not necessarily based on rational thinking. It is a psychological response to a perceived threat, even if the threat is not actually present.

