当前位置:茶恩阁 > 茶文化 > 桑叶茶小孩能喝吗




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贡献者回答There are a few different ways to approach this problem. One approach is to use a loop to iterate through each character in the string and check if it is a digit. If it is, add it to a separate string that will store the digits. Here's an example implementation in Python:```pythondef extract_digits(string): digits = "" for char in string: if char.isdigit(): digits += char return digits# Example usagestring = "Hello123World456"digits = extract_digits(string)print(digits) # Output: 123456```Another approach is to use a regular expression to match all the digits in the string. The `re` module in Python provides a `findall` function that can be used to extract all occurrences of a pattern in a string. Here's an example implementation using regular expressions:```pythonimport redef extract_digits(string): digits = re.findall(r'd', string) return "".join(digits)# Example usagestring = "Hello123World456"digits = extract_digits(string)print(digits) # Output: 123456```Both approaches will give you the same result, which is a string containing all the digits found in the input string.

