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贡献者回答A competitive market is a market where there are many buyers and sellers, all of whom are acting independently and have perfect knowledge of the market. In a competitive market, there are no barriers to entry or exit, and prices are determined by supply and demand.In a competitive market, no single buyer or seller has the power to influence the market price. Each buyer and seller is a price taker, meaning they must accept the market price as given. This ensures that resources are allocated efficiently, as buyers and sellers respond to changes in price by adjusting their buying and selling decisions.In a competitive market, there is also perfect information, meaning that buyers and sellers have complete knowledge of the market and can make informed decisions. This helps to ensure that resources are allocated efficiently and that prices accurately reflect supply and demand conditions.Overall, a competitive market is characterized by many buyers and sellers, perfect information, and no barriers to entry or exit. These characteristics help to ensure that resources are allocated efficiently and that prices accurately reflect supply and demand conditions.

