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最佳答案There are several factors that contribute to the popularity of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. 1. Connectivity: Social media platforms allow people to connect with friends, family, and colleagues from around the world. It provides a way to stay in touch and share updates, photos, and videos.2. Entertainment: Social media platforms offer a wide range of content, such as funny videos, memes, and viral challenges. It provides a source of entertainment and a way to pass the time.3. Information and news: Social media platforms are often used as a source of news and information. Many people rely on social media to stay updated on current events and trends.4. Self-expression: Social media platforms provide a space for individuals to express themselves and share their thoughts, opinions, and interests. It allows people to showcase their creativity and connect with others who have similar interests.5. Networking and professional opportunities: Social media platforms are increasingly being used for professional networking and job searching. It provides a way to connect with potential employers, colleagues, and industry professionals.6. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): Social media platforms often create a sense of FOMO, as people see their friends and peers posting about exciting events, trips, and experiences. This can lead to increased usage as people want to stay connected and not miss out on what others are doing.Overall, social media platforms provide a way for people to connect, share, and stay informed. They have become an integral part of many people's daily lives.