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最佳答案The term "a priori" refers to knowledge or understanding that is independent of experience or observation. It is often contrasted with "a posteriori" knowledge, which is based on empirical evidence.In philosophy, the concept of a priori knowledge was popularized by Immanuel Kant, who argued that certain truths are known to be true independently of experience. These truths are not derived from sensory experience, but are instead derived from reason or logic.Examples of a priori knowledge include mathematical truths, such as 2+2=4, and logical truths, such as the law of non-contradiction (which states that a proposition cannot be both true and false at the same time).A priori knowledge is often considered to be necessary and universal, meaning that it is true in all possible worlds. It is also often considered to be certain, in the sense that it is not subject to doubt or revision.However, there is ongoing debate among philosophers about the nature and scope of a priori knowledge. Some argue that all knowledge is ultimately based on experience, while others argue that there are certain truths that can be known independently of experience.

