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最佳答案The term "disruptive technology" was first coined by Harvard Business School professor Clayton M. Christensen in his book "The Innovator's Dilemma" in 1997. Christensen used the term to describe a new technology or innovation that disrupts an existing market or industry by displacing established products, services, or ways of doing business.Disruptive technologies often start out as niche products or services that are initially seen as inferior to existing solutions. However, they offer other advantages such as lower cost, simplicity, convenience, or accessibility that make them attractive to a new set of customers. Over time, these disruptive technologies improve and eventually surpass the capabilities of the established solutions, leading to their widespread adoption and the eventual decline or obsolescence of the incumbents.Examples of disruptive technologies include the personal computer, digital photography, online streaming, ride-sharing services, and smartphones. These technologies fundamentally changed their respective industries, creating new business models and challenging established players.Disruptive technologies can be both a threat and an opportunity for companies. Incumbents that fail to anticipate or respond to disruptive technologies risk being left behind, while new entrants that successfully leverage these technologies can quickly gain a competitive advantage.In conclusion, disruptive technologies are innovations that disrupt established markets and industries by offering new and often superior solutions. They can lead to significant changes in business models, customer behavior, and industry dynamics.

